its been awhile, but im back...for the time being. Work is work as we all know, and lately work has been the main focus in my life, busy busy busy. Thank you everyone for stopping by my blog, the comments are much apreciated. Felt like dumping some of my scribbles from the past few weeks, so here they are.
hey everybody! time for an update from the sketchbook. Here are some scribbles from the past week or so, some inspiration from the girls soccer team that came in full atire to the local Borders books. God bless you soccer girls.
its been a busy couple of weeks with work and the parents coming to visit. We went to into San Francisco a bunch and I brought my sketch book along. have a geat weekend!
Thanks to everybody for checking out my drawings and commenting, its been a great boost in my confidence! Im going to try to update this thing more often, it keeps me drawing and I feel like I learn more the more I draw. There are so many great artists out there, it is overwhelming how many talented people are producing awesome work everyday and sharing it with the world. Please keep posting and inspiring us to keep drawing and to keep getting better. These are some drawings from life and from TV. Ive been hooked on watching UFC on Spike. Some totally brutal fighting goes on in that ring, and some inspiring movement, I've tried to capture a bit of it.
There was a film crew from the Discovery channel filming our drawing class today. I dont know when it's showing, but there's a good chance that ill be on it. here's some more drawings, let me know what you think.
just some more drawings from class today. There is so much to learn about drawing, it is overwhelming. I highly recommend reading Walt Stanchfields handouts, they contain much wisdom about drawing and the emotion behind it. here is a link to some of them.
Started work this week, and started drawing class again. Were really lucky to have the awesome Tom Gately as a teacher. He makes drawing look so easy, and really pushes us to get the most out of the pose and the drawing. here are a few drawings from class, the only ones that weren't total crap.
We had a great time in New York City. Definitely one of the best cities in the country. Thanks to Bruce for showing us the Blue Sky, and the best pastries in the city. Found some time to do a bit of drawing on the trip as well.