Thursday, June 01, 2006

some drawings


samacleod said...

Lots of cool butts :)

samacleod said...

Lots of cool butts :) Can't take my eyes off em.

samacleod said...

Sorry dude. Don't mean to post a million times, but when are the life drawing classes? Can I go to them? I'll be an intern in like a week or so for story. Are we allowed do you think?

Antelmo Villarreal said...


I miss drawing. :)

Anonymous said...

GREAT drawings !
Really very nice work. said...

wowww heheeh I like very much yor drawing and the girl is ohhh . The girls you draw are really beautiful the men too, I really love the fluid lines :).

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Hey bro love the new work all of your poses have such life to them along with style hope all is well take care!!!


J said...

Hey Rob,
I just discovered this... where have I been? These are really incredible. You make your statements so clearly and with such a fresh eye for appeal. I sense a little Gately in them, and I mean that with the highest regard, and respect. All of the these are wonderful, and enviable.
Thanks for sharing,

Gabriele Pennacchioli said...

Nice skeches! Your line reminds me of Serle/Kahl drawings.

Cholki said...

Nice Gestures! Stanchfield lives! Keep it coming.

Chris Graf said...

beauty...great stuff.

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Hey Rob finally see why I takes so long to get the goodness from here work at Pixar. Matt W linked u at his blog well was just hope to see some more work take care !!!!!!!

ivaylo said...

beautiful line work, man,
playful and solid.
great job!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob!! Man these are some nice drawings. I love the sense of character in them. Hope all is going well up there for ya man, and say hi to Austin for me!

the clownninja said...

nice drawin's man

R.Dress said...

Thanks for the inspuration! Love how you push and pull things. Love how you capture drapery and how it relates to the pose. These drawings never feel over worked. Lots of movement. They each say something. Fuck man. Keep up the great work.

Scott Wright said...

Great sketches. Love the blog...can't wait to visit again

Unknown said...

beautiful variety of drawings!

stephenfmunoz said...

awesome budddy work son, but I'm craving new stuff!!!keep it up bro.

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

ok Rob where's the goodies bro still waiting for them but I myself haven't been keep up my drawnfromlife blog as of late but I know you will come with the old killa manila stuff stay fresh bro!!! ps I've been playing around with my water colour would love to hear your thoughts if and when u have the time stay breezey!!!!

Mark McDonnell said...

These are GREAT man. Love this style of drawing. AWESOME.


David Gray said...

Great drawings! There's so much character and life in them!

mylydy said...

oh my god, thank you for showing these sketchs; thanks!!